Respond to Symptoms with Toxic Gas Detection in San Jose, CA

In any setting where there is a potential for exposure to toxic chemicals or gas, it is essential that business owners, employees and other individuals who are around be aware of the symptoms and signs of exposure. Toxic gas exposure can manifest itself in many different ways and, if left undiagnosed or untreated, it can cause serious harm and might even be fatal. In order to avoid the dangerous risks associated with toxic gas exposure, always make sure that you are in tune to any potential signs and symptoms and install monitoring systems for effective toxic gas detection in San Jose, CA.

Signs that you have been exposed to toxic gas

There are several different ways that you might come into contact with toxic gas. The main methods of exposure are inhalation, contact with skin or eyes and ingestion. Inhalation can occur by breathing in chemicals in the form of airborne mists, gases or dusts. When chemicals come into contact with the skin or eyes, they can enter the bloodstream and cause problems. Ingestion occurs when chemicals come into contact with and contaminate food or drinks that are then consumed. There are several gas detection symptoms in San Jose, CA to watch out for:

  • Skin irritation: Skin issues caused by exposure to harmful chemicals and toxic gases include things like redness, itchiness, dryness and rashes. In some cases, exposure to toxic gases might even cause skin cancer, which is why it is essential to limit the chance of exposure as much as possible.
  • Respiratory problems: Coughing, shortness of breath, sneezing, sore throat, wheezing and lung cancer are all respiratory problems that are caused by toxic gas exposure. Anyone experiencing these symptoms, especially after they were in contact with toxic gas or chemical fumes, should seek medical help as soon as possible.
  • Headaches: Toxic gas exposure often leads to irritation of the head or eyes in the form of headaches, dizziness, red and watery eyes and a grainy feeling in the eyes. A common cause of symptoms relating to the head and eyes is exposure to chemical paint fumes, although other toxic gases can also cause these issues.
  • Nervous system issues: Issues related to the nervous system are typically a result of exposure to toxic gas over prolonged periods of time. Irritability, sleeplessness, tremors, nervousness and loss of balance or coordination are all signs of damage to the nervous system.
  • Nausea: Nausea is another common symptom of exposure to toxic fumes. If you have symptoms such as a stomachache or vomiting, it’s possible that toxic gas exposure may be the cause.

Exposure to toxic gas can lead to serious health issues and, in some cases, can result in death. Avoid these problems by investing in reliable toxic gas detection in San Jose, CA. For detection and monitoring systems that you can trust to keep your workplace safe, contact MDC Systems Inc. We offer customized gas monitoring that is designed to fit your business’ needs. Contact us today and get started with a free estimate.

Toxic Gas Detection in San Jose, CA Can Sense Hazardous Gases Emanating from Reused Landfill Sites

Has it ever crossed your mind to invest in a quality system specifically for toxic gas detection in San Jose, CA? Though most commercial and industrial business buildings should install such systems, those built on top of repurposed landfill sites are more at risk of toxic gas exposure. Let’s take a look at what landfill gas is, and review the most common hazardous gases that are produced.

What is landfill gas?

When we refer to “landfill gas,” we are not talking about one particular type of gas. In fact, landfill gas contains a number of different gases (like methane and carbon dioxide) that are produced over time when organic waste is broken down with the help of bacteria in the soil.

There are several factors that come into play in the making of landfill gas, as well as the amount produced. The age of the landfill, the type of waste that was dumped, the temperature and the oxygen and moisture content are all a part of gas production. In addition, although a production of gas typically peaks between five and 10 years, a used or unused landfill can potentially produce gas for more than 50 years.

The toxic gases that emanate from reused landfill soil can easily move through all sorts of soil density, not to mention that old, undesirable garbage odors are also still present. Unfortunately, although previous landfill sites are covered over with more dirt and other materials that are good for new construction surfaces, these gases can still move through the soil and settle inside buildings and linger in the air. This can put you at risk for exposure to hazardous gases, since they are liable to accumulate in structures that are built directly on top of old landfills.

Common hazardous gases

If you are planning on a new building construction over a repurposed landfill site, or are already doing business on top of one, then you need to be aware of the most common hazardous gases that are likely coming up from the soil. Contact the pros at MDC Systems Inc. to learn more about the proper way to follow through on toxic gas detection in San Jose, CA:

  • Methane: First and foremost, it’s important to know that methane is flammable and can be explosive indoors at high concentrations. This happens more often when methane gas gets trapped in closed off areas inside buildings, such as basements, attics and crawlspaces.
  • Carbon dioxide: Like methane, this natural gas is odorless and tasteless. Both gases will displace oxygen in enclosed spaces, which can be deadly not because of the gases themselves, but because there is so little available oxygen to breathe.
  • Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide: Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are responsible for a lot of the odors found in landfills. But when introduced to the inside of buildings, the combination can cause unpleasant side effects, including headaches, coughing, nausea, eye irritation and breathing difficulties.

At MDC Systems Inc., we offer the systems your commercial building needs to ensure that your workers stay healthy and products are safe for consumers. Contact us to discuss the best system for toxic gas detection in San Jose, CA for your business.